Roman Knoll

Roman Knoll (Bulgarian: Романска могила, ‘Romanska Mogila’ \'ro-man-ska mo-'gi-la\) is the ice-covered hill rising to over 800 m between Mount Canicula and Erul Heights, on the southeast side of Verdikal Gap on Trinity Peninsula in Graham Land, Antarctica. It is surmounting Russell East Glacier to the southeast.

The hill is named after the town of Roman in Northwestern Bulgaria.


Roman Knoll is located at , which is 3.38 km northeast of Mount Canicula, 12.98 km southeast of Lambuh Knoll, 2.77 km southwest of Gigen Peak and 3.38 km northwest of Siniger Nunatak. German-British mapping in 1996.



This article includes information from the Antarctic Place-names Commission of Bulgaria which is used with permission.